The Kingdom of Hither & Ther~



This is a book written for every Soul

For the Young and Old all seek the same goal

To complete the Journey from Unknown to Known

For in this Kingdom, this gains the Throne.

…The Child remembers when the Adult forgets…

“I still remember seeing through the eyes of the Soul”

“I still remember the Above and the Below”

“I still remember that all I see is an illusion in a mirror”

“I still remember who I am is ever close and even nearer”

“I still remember Being Here & Being There”

“And when I forget, let this be my prayer”

…We are the Eternal Child that says “Yes to Life”!


“The illustrations in this book are fabulously beautiful, harmonious, and soulful. The artist has created a world of deep spirit and beauty. I want to live there! Get this book for the splendid and magical pictures.”