
Laurie Helgeson

M.C., C.H.T., R.Y.T.

It is your truth that shall set you free.

Laurie Helgeson is an Enneagram Coach, Intuitive Consultant, Award Winning Author and Yoga Teacher in private practice in Scottsdale, Arizona. Her training has been traditional, spiritual and multidimensional.

She has studied and traveled extensively, allowing for a physical and energetic exploration of the questions and answers that create reality.  This knowledge has become the foundation upon which she builds her life and her work.

As an Intuitive Consultant and Consciousness Coach for over twenty eight years, experience has taught her that ultimately what we all seek is to know who we are.  In the course of her journey, she has learned to listen to the small voice within that speaks truth. To ask the question and hold space for the answer is the gift she has to share.  To bring into conscious awareness that which seeks to be known is the ultimate purpose of The Art of Inner Work ®, LLC.